Stella is here to help you  tell your story

Stella is ready to help!  Her job is to deliver career recommendations based on your skills and preferences.  Once you’ve found the right matches, Stella will help you tell your story so you can stand out to your future employer.  We believe your job search is uniquely yours – that’s where Stella shines!

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Enhance your job search with Stella!

Stella will guide you every step of the way


 Add Stella To Your Team

Follow these easy steps so we can start working together to enhance your job search process.
a cartoon of a woman with long black hair and a blue jacket
A Screenshoot of a Woman having Summary


Clarity & Confidence

Finding the right job match is your first priority.  Mine too!  My job is to create clarity and confidence in your job search.  I can read job descriptions and provide recommendations and insights, based on your skills and preferences, to help you focus on the best opportunities.


Tell Your Story

I help you tell your story to employers by creating what I call a Live Resume.  Live Resumes tell your story in a way that traditional resumes simply can’t.
a screenshot of a woman with a resume on her phone
a diagram of the career growth process


Build Your Skills

I can suggest learning modules to help you be successful in your next job, while also preparing you for your future career path.

Your Future Is Bright

You need confidence and clarity to stand out in the crowd.  Let Stella help you pave the path to an exceptional career!

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